In The Prodigal Evangelical, Gerrard Kelly explores in depth what the story of the Prodigal Son has to say to a Church that seems to always get it wrong.
Gerard uses his own personal experience of the cross as a life-changing encounter to unpack the idea that the Christian faith is all and only about grace and not law.
Digging deep into the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, Kelly shows you how this one story distills the entire message of Jesus into one, short, concentrated challenge.
Exploring this parable and placing it correctly in the wider biblical narrative, the pastor, poet, author and mission leader reframes 'prodigality' with four key words: beauty, brokenness, forgiveness and invitation.
These four words, he argues, describe the human condition: we are beautiful, broken, forgiven - and invited to tell the Christian story. This story centres not on rules and doctrines, but on the breadth and depth of the love of God.
In The Prodigal Evangelical, you'll discover that prodigality presents the death of Christ as essentially about forgiveness. The cross, Gerrard explains, is where it becomes possible to be forgiven and to forgive.
Grasping the full meaning of Jesus' story of the prodigal forces you to reinterpret the meaning of the cross; the game-changing force that drives the Christian movement and the life of every Christian.