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Contents page

Nov 7th, 2023 - Posted by Lauren Pritchard about Xstream Red Compendium in Childrens Answered Product 1 34 views


Would anyone be able to tell me the contents page in the book- what topics are being covered

Posted by Lauren Pritchard in Childrens  
1 Answer
November 8th, 2023 at 11:38AM • Respond

Dear Lauren,

The publisher of this product has supplied us with no pictures of the inside the product I'm afraid, please accept my apologies.

The full product description supplied underneath the product states:

or anyone who leads Sunday School using Scripture Union's light materials, something new is here. The all-new, year-long, compendiums for each age bracket.

Instead of books that last a single term at a time, each book now contains 52 sessions that include Easter and Christmas. You no longer need to buy both a leaders book and a kids book every term. Instead, the new compendiums contain everything you need to lead your children's ministry on a Sunday morning.

The pages are photocopiable and tell you all you need to do the session. Another bonus is that there is a greater freedom in the sessions you do. With the whole year in your hands, you no longer need to follow a set order (but still can if you like).

Each compendium also includes guides on 'How to plan your session', and little helps to assist you in leading a creative and engaging session. The features of each compendium include:

A wide range of Bible passages covered, including Genesis, Exodus, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and more...
Children's sheets included
All resource pages photocopiable, with extra resource downloads
Fun, creative, time-saving, tried and tested quality material
Seasonal sessions included
Session planning tools to help you prepare
In an easy to photocopy 'lie-flat' format
Making leading Sunday school easier and simpler than ever before, the compendiums are your one-stop source for engaging and biblical lessons and activity ideas.

I hope this helps. Thank you for using the Q&A Forum
