Stuart Olyott
Book Format
Paperback / softback
Evangelical Press
April 2016
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What The Bible Teaches About The Trinity
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Stuart Olyott
Book Format
Paperback / softback
Evangelical Press
April 2016
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What The Bible Teaches About The Trinity
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Do you have problems understanding what the Bible teaches about the Trinity, or have you had to try to answer people who do not believe that Jesus Christ is God and who deny that the one God is three, and that there are three who are God?
Could they possibly be right? How can we answer them? In this brief book Stuart Olyott shows that what we call 'the doctrine of the Trinity' is plainly taught in the Bible, and that it is the foundation for a true understanding of the Christian gospel.
The book is written in straightforward language and is intended for the ordinary reader. Although it certainly shows up the error of the modern cults, its main purpose is to lead people to a better understanding of what God has revealed about himself.
Stuart Olyott
Book Format
Paperback / softback
Evangelical Press
April 2016
Page Count
12.7 x 19.6 x 0.8 cm
Eden Code
More Information
Author/Creator: Stuart Olyott
ISBN: 9780852347461
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Release Date: April 2016
Weight: 136g
Dimensions: 12.7 x 19.6 x 0.8 cm
Eden Code: 3961524
12 years ago
Many people struggle to understand the concept of God being both one and three persons, The Trinity especially as the term ‘The Trinity’ does not appear in the Bible. Over the centuries many people have rejected the idea of God the Son and/or God the Holy Spirit and taught something else – a good example being the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This struggle can leave us at a loss of what to say when the Jehovah’s Witnesses come to the door, or even when our children ask what we mean by The Trinity.
Many books have come out over the years on The Trinity, but often are bogged down by heavy theology. Thankfully Stuart Olyott’s book What The Bible Teaches About The Trinity is not like this. Instead we have an easy to read book that takes us through the passages that show that not only the Father but also Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God. This book will give parents some of the answers to their children’s questions and will strengthen the faith of others in the face of the questions raised by others from Dawkins to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. There is though a slight downside, as with many other’s who do not believe the Gifts of the Spirit are for today, Olyott waters down the role of the Holy Spirit to that of a divine bit player who’s role only seems to be bringing people to salvation and then convicting them of sin in their life, gone is the Spirit who empowers Christians as he did in Acts. Olyott is not alone in this, but by doing so what could have been a great book turns into one that is only good.
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