God wants to reveal to you the secrets of how to press on even when the enemy would like you to cave in! It's time to reclaim what satan has stolen from you! With God's protection and anointing, you can go into his camp, scout out the place, do battle and emerge victorious no sweat!
Let Kimberly Daniels tell you how to get rid of those pesky problems of habitual sins and to stand spiritually strong in all situations. You don't have to live in oppression, addiction or any kind of bondage, because Jesus came to set you free! VICTORY CAN BE YOURS!
God loves to see His children beat up on the enemy... in His name! Allow God to show you His strategy. Pick up your God-given weapons, and learn how to use them with confidence as you read this basic training manual for spiritual warfare.
Biographical Note:
Jacksonville Councilwoman Kimberly Daniels is a sought-after conference speaker, preacher, and powerful prayer warrior. She pastors Spoken Word Ministries in Jacksonville, Florida, with her husband, Ardell. Daniels graduated from Florida State University and Jacksonville Theological Seminary and is the author of Spiritual Housekeeping; Inside Out; From a Mess to a Miracle; Clean House, Strong House; Delivered to Destiny; and Give It Back! She is also the coauthor of More Than Just the Catch.