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Always Good Enough


by Jenkins Peggy Jenkins

    • Author

      Jenkins Peggy Jenkins

    • Book Format


    • Publisher, Inc.

    • Published

      April 2019

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      Always Good Enough

      Today's Price £17.27

      Product Description

      This book is based on my true life story and how the past plays a role in characteristics that we exhibit. Especially when I found out that I was born out of Rape. My parents had instilled in me the importance of putting God first in my life. I discovered on this journey the depth of some of those personality characteristics and how they played a role in shaping my future. I also discovered why I repeat over and over many of the same mistakes.

      My hope for the reader is that they will recognize some of the tendencies that many of us exhibit and then seek to understand them with the help of God. I was lead to a ministry called Wellsprings. This ministry opened my eyes to the reasons I had such competitive tendencies. It was born of an innate desire to fit in and be at the top of my game so that nobody would look down on me or my children. I was driven by fear of not feeling good enough. When I enrolled at Wellsprings, they helped me understand the power of generational curses and strongholds and how we can be born into them. Knowledge is power and the truth will set you free!

      As my story unfolded, I discovered through a series of events that my parents were not 15 like we had been told. My mother was 28, married with 5 other children. I knew I was adopted at a young age. Several cousins on my dad’s side would remind Keith (my brother) and I that we were not “real family”. Now don’t get me wrong, I had a wonderful adoption story from Bethany Home. I was a baby and couldn’t have picked better parents if I had picked them myself. The truth is that my quest to find the key to my story includes many different twists and turns, some were devastating but others were pure joy. In the end, I realized that God’s timing is perfect. He truly he is the author of my story ….. nobody could just make this stuff up! One of the things that will help promote this book is completing my “story” by finding my birth father. But I also realize that God is my father! The founder of Sav the 1, prolife attorney/speaker Rebecca Kiessling, has a T-shirt that says: “I took a DNA TEST GOD is my FATHER!”

      First finding out I was born of rape, to having 5 siblings! Holy cow – what a ride! I am blessed that my beautiful mother, Johanna was here by my side everyday of this crazy introduction into my family! My intended reader is anyone who has faced feelings of not being good enough, rejection and abandonment. Also anyone who had been adopted and wondered more about your story. My hope is that anyone who has faced feelings of not being good enough needs to know that we all have a Father in heaven that says we are! And to those of you that are adopted and think that you have been “given away” or tossed to the side like yesterday’s trash – realize that God is the author of every story and he may be saving you from something that could be much worse! Your story is truly authored by God. Please know that we are all CHILDREN OF THE KING and that he knew us BEFORE we were born! And we are most certainly are Always Good Enough! So come to the table that God has prepared and tell your story – we are ALL welcomed there! And always remember like Toby Mac said: “Don’t be afraid to tell your story because it might be the key that unlocks somebody else’s prison.” Join me on this journey where God’s revelation changed my life forever and ultimately helped me realize that we are “ALWAYS GOOD ENOUGH”.


      • Author

        Jenkins Peggy Jenkins

      • Book Format


      • Publisher, Inc.

      • Published

        April 2019

      • Weight


      • Dimensions

        153 x 229 x 6 mm

      • ISBN


      • ISBN-10


      • Eden Code


      More Information

      • Author/Creator: Jenkins Peggy Jenkins

      • ISBN: 9781644385241

      • Publisher:, Inc.

      • Release Date: April 2019

      • Weight: 150g

      • Dimensions: 153 x 229 x 6 mm

      • Eden Code: 5045521

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