In this heart warming and encouraging collection of ‘50 Glimpses of Heaven’, Christian writing’s most seasoned and well read authors - including bestsellers Kay Warren, Gordon MacDonald, Liz Curtis Higgs, Mark Buchanan, Virginia Stem Owens, and Ben Patterson are among the 50 contributors to this collection of short, sharp and meaningful real life stories.
Drawing on experiences from their own lives and interpreting them through the eyes of faith the writers fill convey the wisdom and insight that comes when you are aware of God in the everyday. In one story, Kay Warren joins an impromptu airport homecoming celebration for soldiers and witnesses the power of encouragement. Gordon MacDonald helps a friend through a long distance walk and discovers the meaning of true friendship. Liz Curtis Higgs responds in friendship to the needs of a fellow passenger but learns something from him about her "baggage."
These surprising stories of hope and encouragement offer snapshots of the divine in the earthly world will engaging and enlighten. The goodness of God, the value of every person, and the importance of meaningful relationships shine through the stories and will help you find that your own everyday life is full of significance moments and encounters.
Ordinary incidents. Common occurrences. But in a moment of clarity each of these people saw a moment of clarity, each of these peoplae wsaw a deeper meaning behind a seemingly mundane event. Even these brief accounts and many like them remind us that our sometimes uneventful lives area actually filled with significance. Everything looks different once we’ve caught a glimpe of heaven.