The five letters - from 1 Thessalonians to Titus - form a discipleship training school for anyone who wants God to transform their life.
Paul was forced to flee the city of Thessalonica so quickly the he wrote 1 Thessalonians as the first lesson in his discipleship training school, teaching us how to be true converts. He was unable to return so he wrote 2 Thessalonians as a second lesson, which teaches us how to be true warriors.
The last three letters were to individual graduates: Titus lays out the syllabus which we need in order to be truly fruitful; 1 Timothy explains how his young graduate can help the Ephesians to become truly mature in their faith and 2 Timothy acts as Paul's final will and testament in which he assures his converts that they are truly ready to continue the work after his death.
The Straight to the Heart of series of devotional commentaries allow people to get to grips with each book of the Bible one bite at a time. Phil Moore focuses on key sections which together form a useful introduction. There will be 25
volumes in all, each containing 60 readings. The short chapters are punchy and relevant, yet crammed with fascinating scholarship.