UK Missionaries Peter and Brenda Griffiths experienced the height of tragedy amidst the Vumba Massacre in the 1970s, and yet still continued to live out their faith. This biography will encourage its readers of the priceless power of remaining faithful to God long-term, and will leave your trust in God reaffirmed for the world.
A missionary biography that documents the trials and transformations of the lives of Peter and Brenda Griffiths. As Elim Missionaries in Zimbabwe, they were witness to the heartbreaking atrocity that rocked the missionary community, but stood up as an inspiring example of being beacons of God's love in the darkest of times, and lived out a forgiveness that seemed impossible.
A testament to God's power to forgive incomprehensible evil, and a story of unrelenting Grace and choosing to forgive the unforgivable, The Axe and the Tree shows all that has happened since the Vumba Massacre in the 1970s, as told by Peter and Brenda's son, and is a bold calling to trust God always.
Whether you are a missionary yourself, connected with those in mission, or seeking to know how God works in Churches in other parts of the world, The Axe and the Tree will challenge you in your faith, and inspire you in God's goodness. Peter and Brenda's story of working for God in Zimbabwe, through schools, churches and hospitals is a lasting story as today, across the country, Churches are growing out of the shadow of the Vumba Massacre, and into a new light and new life.