Product Description
Who is Jesus Christ?How would you answer that question? Stop for a moment and really think about Jesus Christ. Who is He? Who is He to you? And why does it really matter anyway? Your answer matters; so much so, that it is a matter of life or death. It is about living either in freedom from sin or in bondage to it. It comes down to either living deeply rooted in God's truth or having shallow rooted opinions stemming from a lost and confused world. It is about being built up in the fullness of God found in Jesus Christ or being torn down by the emptiness of the world. What you believe about Jesus Christ and how you respond to His life, death, and resurrection affects every area of your life-attitudes, choices, relationships, and your eternity. In this nine-week video-based Bible study you will study the book of Colossians verse-by-verse. You will hear from Paul's heart as he encourages believers to look to Jesus who is Creator of all, preeminent over all. He is before all things and in whom all things are held together. In Christ we have everything we need. As Paul warns the believers at Colosse of heresies coming into the church and distorting the truth of Christ, we can apply these same warnings to the modern-day church. We need to know Jesus Christ-personally. In Him, we have all we need. "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving." Colossians 2:6-7