Read the Bible for Life - Workbook by George Guthrie is a participant's guide to a whole-church approach to greater biblical literacy. This study equips individuals and churches to better understand the Bible by introducing readers to its history, genres, interpretation, and proper application to transform lives through reading and studying God's Word. God inspired the biblical writers to use a variety of literary types, including stories, poetry, proverbs, parables, and others.
Read the Bible for Life teaches believers how to read the various types of biblical literature in a way that unlocks God's intended meaning, enabling them to accurately interpret the Bible and appropriately apply its teachings to life. Read the Bible for Life provides tools and a process in the life of a church for ongoing, life-changing training that equips members to understand this grand story and how its various parts fit together. Once people understand the story of Scripture, they can better understand how they fit into that story. (9 sessions with optional 10th group session)