New Christians in 1st-century Colossae were not all that different from Christians today. They, too, struggled to understand who Jesus is, how Jesus alone reconciles us to God, and why things aren't perfect in the Church.
In St. Paul's letter to these Christians he had never met, he doesn't say they should stop asking hard questions. He doesn't tell them to stop searching God's Word, to stop seeking spiritual wisdom, or to stop striving for unity within the Church. Instead, Paul focuses off of their questions and struggles on the Gospel of the mighty and mysterious God: the same God who created the universe revealed Himself among us and reclaimed us as His own through His Son, Jesus.
Walk with author Heidi Goehmann through God's Word to the Colossians. Though many things will remain a mystery until we see our Savior, this six-session Bible study will help readers discover that God fills them right now in every way, through the mighty and mysterious Body of Christ, the Church.