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Feb 18th, 2022 - Posted by George Aldridge about War Room - Bible Study Member Book Answered Product 1 138 views


Are the clips able to be shown on zoom for a group bible study? Also is it a dvd that comes with the study book or something that is purchased separately?

Posted by George Aldridge  
1 Answer
A Reader
A Reader
February 21st, 2022 at 8:29AM • Respond

Hi George,
The DVD of the film is sold separately.

Regarding the use of Zoom, as I'm assuming this is part of Church activity, you would first need to make sure your Church has a CVL licence. I've copied in an FAQ answer from the CCLI's site for guidance.

"You should always ensure you have permission to use copyrighted material in church, regardless of the source.

The Church Video Licence grants permission to publicly display authorised content otherwise intended for private, personal use only. This means you can display any video which is covered by your licence provided you are showing it from an official channel or legally-obtained source.

The CCLI Church Copyright Licence and Streaming Plus Licence do not cover the visual element of a song video. Therefore, regardless of the source, we recommend you have direct permission from the owner before displaying a song or lyric video in church."

The CVL would cover you showing clips in a Church context or as a part of Church outreach. Though no mention of Zoom or other video calling platforms is mentioned.

I would suggest contacting CCLI for a more concrete answer. You can reach them at the following link:

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