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The reformation

Aug 17th, 2021 - Posted by roy heather in Misc Answered 3 175 views


Does this book go into the oppressive side of the reformation? It seems that Calvin in Geneva and others were not averse to using force to accomplish their christianity. I have looked at "Bullies and Saints" book which see ms to lack detail. Thank You. Roy Heather.

Posted by roy heather in Misc  
1 Answer
James 2392
August 19th, 2021 at 12:28PM • Respond

Hi Roy,

It's hard to give you a definite answer here. But what I can do is give you the specific chapter headings on the section that covers the Reformation:

PART 5: The Age of Reformation, 1517-1648
Chapter 25 - A Wild Boar in the Vineyard: Martin Luther and Protestantism
Chapter 26 - Radical Discipleship: The Anabaptists
Chapter 27 - Thrust into the Game: John Calvin and Reformed Rule
Chapter 28 - The Curse upon the Crown: The Church of England
Chapter 29 - "Another Man" at Manresa: The Catholic Reformation
Chapter 30 - Opening the Rock: Uttermost America and Asia
Chapter 31 - The Rule of the Saints: Puritanism
Chapter 32 - Unwilling to Die for an Old Idea: Denominations

Hope this helps,

