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In what ways can we live fully for God ?

Jul 9th, 2014 - Posted by Peter Bell about God in the Box in Bible, Spiritual Growth, Worship and 7 other topics Discussion Product 6 806 views


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Posted by Peter Bell in Bible, Spiritual Growth, Worship, Leadership  
2 Discussions
Peter 6
February 21st, 2018 at 3:38PM • Respond

As the author of the book, "God in the Box" which explores the ways in which we can strive to live fully for God, I would be delighted to hear from anyone who has read it and has any questons or comments that can be discussed in this open forum.

Part of living our lives fully for God is to interact with other Christians, to encourage and to share together what God is doing in our lives and through that to experience more of HIm as He works through His family on earth.

To have a deeper personal relationship with God is a truly uplifting experience!.

Peter 6
February 21st, 2018 at 3:38PM • Respond

Living fully for God involves a number of things but to be effective with this we first have to hand our human will, completely, over to God. We have to let God deal with it, and persevere every day with it. In the book "God in the Box" it explains through pratical aspects how we need to strive for a new sense of direction, letting the Holy Spirit lead us and guide us in all that we do, allowing the amazing love of God to break down the barriers that we put up, enabling us to step out in faith, holding onto God and asking Him to lead and to guide us on our journey with Him.

This book guides the reader in the areas of effective prayer, showing that communication is vital as we walk with God, it helps us to understand the relationship of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and gives practical guidance for Christian living.

As we walk with God and allow His Spirit to guide us we will find that our attitudes change and our behaviour will be affected, allowing us to see how we can spend more time with God, to listen to Him and be moulded by Him. He gives us His armour to protect us on our journey with Him through life as He loves us and cares for us.

We all need to respond to God as we live our lives and this book helps us to go back to basics and review our relationship with God and how we are living for Him. Living fully or 100% for God is what He wants us to do, so we need to take him out of the box and into our hearts.

I recomend that you read this book and be on fire for God!
