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The Promising God


by Dr Richard P. Bucher

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      Richard P. Bucher

    • Published

      June 2014

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      The Promising God

      Today's Price £9.77

      Product Description

      Two common problems ensure that most Christians will see but a few of God's promises fulfilled.The first problem-and the real focus of this book-- is that most Christians are totally unprepared for HOW God keeps his promises--how God gets from point A (making the promise) to point B (making the promise come true). That's a big problem, because . . . the way God gets from promise to fulfillment is so utterly strange and unexpected that many wrongly conclude that what he promised isn't going to happen. That God has said, "No!" So they give up and move on--and lose out on the blessing. With copious examples from the Bible, The Promising God will-for the first time--pull back the curtain on God's promise-keeping methodology in easy to understand language. To prepare you. So you don't give up on the promised things and lose out on the blessings. The second problem is that most Christians know only a handful of Biblical promises. That's a problem, because God gives most of his blessings through his promises. The Christians who know more of God's promises, believe them and know how to use them, will experience far more blessings. The Promising God will show you how. In The Promising God, author and theologian Richard Bucher reintroduces us to the God that Christians worship. He truly is the promising God. Promise-making and keeping is not just another of his divine characteristics. It is an essential aspect of his identity as God. It is who he is. It is what he does. "God sure made a lot of promises . . . why does It seem sometimes that he doesn't keep them"?The Promising God is for people who have often wondered to themselves why God so seldom seems to keep his promises. On many occasions they have waited for him to do so, but have come away disappointed and bewildered. Because by all outward appearances, God didn't do what he promised. Eventually they have reached some conclusion like, "What I'm asking must not be God's will for me." Or "God must be displeased with me. He must know that I'm not putting him first in my life." But in most cases, that isn't it at all. The reason that what God promised sometimes doesn't seem to happen probably has nothing to do with you. It has everything to do with God. It has to do with how he goes about fulfilling his promises. How he always has gone about fulfilling his promises. Strangely. Inexplicably. In a way that is frequently at odds with what anyone would expect. But once you know God's strange promise-keeping methodology, you'll realize that it isn't you. It's God doing what he has always done. You won't give up. You'll continue believe. You'll see far more promises fulfilled.In the pages of The Promising God you'll also find dozens and dozens of promises. In Chapter Two alone, Dr. Bucher provides concise commentary on 50 of the greatest promises of the Bible. Where God promises to: -give you whatever you ask him in prayer -provide you with all that you need-rescue you from your troubles -guide and direct you-renew and revitalize you-and countless more. And there is so much more. The book will show you: -That knowing how God goes about keeping his promises can be-and often is--the difference between receiving what he has promised or receiving nothing at all.-10 reasons WHY God fulfills his promises in such a strange way. -Why "If it was going to happen, it would have happened by now" is almost never true.-Why God often takes so long to answer our prayer.-That God doesn't require us to be doubt-free. He does expect us fight through our doubts. The book will show you how.-That the keeping of God's promises depends on his character, not ours. -That if your life has worsened while you've been waiting for what God promised to happen, it is probably a good sign, not a bad one!-That not knowing how God fulfills his promises has led many to downgrade their expectations for God, guaranteeing that


      • Book Format


      • Publisher

        Richard P. Bucher

      • Published

        June 2014

      • Weight


      • Dimensions

        156 x 234 x 9 mm

      • ISBN


      • ISBN-10


      • Eden Code


      More Information

      • ISBN: 9780692255049

      • Publisher: Richard P. Bucher

      • Release Date: June 2014

      • Weight: 241g

      • Dimensions: 156 x 234 x 9 mm

      • Eden Code: 4685922

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