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And Let The Church Say, Amen!: A Guide to Better Communication, Love and Sex


by Sabrina Washington

    • Author

      Sabrina Washington

    • Book Format


    • Publisher

      Sabrina Washington

    • Published

      October 2021

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    And Let The Church Say, Amen!: A Guide to Better Communication, Love and Sex

    Today's Price £16.37

    Product Description

    When I met love, it wasn't just Love the feeling or Love the look. It was Love the person who was the epitome of Love that breathes life into all those around it. Love without a doubt gives and grinds and sometimes feels as if it's drowning, but you see, Love survives, Love wins. True love is never overshadowed and is always fragrant to the very end. "And Let the Church Say, Amen"! explores the various aspects of love. The more we immerse ourselves in its work, the more we are perpetually kindling and strengthening its bond. It highlights the importance of communication, ensuring that both individual's needs are not only heard but ultimately met. This book takes a bold look at making love while incorporating the word of God. It's a tell-all book that tells its readers how to make love happen even in the face of health challenges, i.e., pain, weakness and even erectile dysfunction. And Let the Church Say, Amen! is an all-encompassing guide to a stronger, happier and healthier you. It is a must-have book that includes life lessons and personal experiences, coupled with nursing knowledge and insights.For me, foreplay starts when he fills my head with expressive words, and not just before making love, but throughout the day or the week. I don't just want to hear how much he loves me right before I'm filled with his love. I want to feel it, see it in our lives, and see the love radiate all over him. Before my husband even touches me, I need to feel his love. In other words, the process of foreplay is ongoing. In this book, you will follow her journey through a myriad of circumstances she has overcome. Each chapter incorporating the word of God, which she boldly proclaims and acknowledges as her daily strength. It is her relationship and obedience to Christ that birthed this book as she was aware there would be many who questioned, but God is more concerned about his people being healed. Sister you no longer have to hide your struggles or experiences. Brother, you are not alone. This book will touch the hearts of both men and women. There will be periods of laughter, you will be shocked, and you may even get teary eyed. But one thing is for sure, when it's all said and done you will say, "Let The Church Say, Amen!". Galatians 5:22 speaks of the fruits of the spirit, the qualities or characteristics of God. This is what God has given me thru the man he handpicked. God has given me a precious gift, one that any man or woman could have, if they would just wait on Him. Following the lead of the Holy Spirit; doing what He told me to do, trusting that small still, yet loud voice in my very being allowed me to be loved the way a man should truly love a woman. "And Let the Church Say, Amen!" is about my love encounter with Him and then with him. This insightful reading will take you on a whimsical journey through the last 10 years of my life, but most importantly, telling you exactly what you can do to have your, Mr. or Mrs. Right. The kind of right or love that makes your heart skip a beat when they enter a room.
    This book gives you life's experiences, biblical truths and a bit of nursing 101, all wrapped into one. What makes this book unique is that I hold nothing back, giving you everything you will need to have a successful relationship, the kind of bond that some individuals only dream of. But not leaving the very important, sex, out of the equation and all that comes with it, like oral sex, masturbation, health maintenance and challenges, at the same time, giving its' readers tips for making their sexual experience one to remember.
    Take a trip with me and discover who you are, what you can become and how the right kind of love and necessary communication plays a major role in your marriage. Without understanding these elements you lack the necessary skills that lead to a healthy relationship.


    • Author

      Sabrina Washington

    • Book Format


    • Publisher

      Sabrina Washington

    • Published

      October 2021

    • Weight


    • Dimensions

      153 x 229 x 12 mm

    • ISBN


    • ISBN-10


    • Eden Code


    More Information

    • Author/Creator: Sabrina Washington

    • ISBN: 9781737169512

    • Publisher: Sabrina Washington

    • Release Date: October 2021

    • Weight: 296g

    • Dimensions: 153 x 229 x 12 mm

    • Eden Code: 5626004

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